Love Based Leadership With Dan Pontefract

The Issues Of Burnout And What To Do About It with Jeanette Bronée



In 2004, after both her parents died of cancer and after 20 years in the fashion business, leading teams to growth and innovation in both Denmark and in the US, Jeanette Bronée decided to leave her career as a burned-out executive and founded Path for Life® to create awareness around how we can do great work, without giving up our health or our joy. Integrating her business background in marketing, retail management, and team development with her studies in mindfulness, health, and wellbeing, Jeanette helps people reclaim agency over their work and lives by understanding themselves and having the tools to use their mindset to work better for them. In sum, Jeanette is rethinking self-care in the workplace as the foundation for peak performance, engagement, and a culture where people belong and work better together. Dan Pontefract sits down with Jeanette on the Leadership NOW show to discuss her new book “The Self-Care Mindset, Rethinking How We Change and Grow, Harness Well-Being and Reclaim Work-Life Qu