

Personal power is our capacity to feel fully alive and yet… so many of the things we do to try and restore power in our lives are coming from a place of manipulating, forcing, and being incredibly aggressive with ourselves. I call this false power. It doesn’t heal you, it hurts you, and ultimately robs you of the opportunity to live full out. Maybe false power shows up for you as… Berating yourself for making mistakes. Dismissing your emotions so you don’t hear the messages they have for you. Denying yourself the opportunity to feel fully alive until you “prove” yourself. In this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, I help listeners explore what false power actually looks like and why using it is such a detriment to our health and well-being. If this message lands for you, please consider sharing with a woman who you think might benefit from the message because with more women living their life from a place of true power, the brighter the world will be. You can listen here: