Studio Sherpas Podcast

319. Exploring the Power of Personal Brands with Lisa McGuire



Today on the show I explore Lisa McGuire’s unique perspective on personal brands. Everyone has a personal brand, whether they realize it or not. We can all benefit from exploring the different stories that we tell ourselves to better understand who we really are and strengthen our personal brands. A strong personal brand can help propel your business forward by giving it greater clarity and vision. Leverage this clarity of who you are to find clients that you can develop healthy, thriving relationships with. It’s time to really and honestly show up for your business, your clients, your friends, and your family! Key Takeaways  You can benefit from your personal brand even if you don’t want to be the face of your business. Ask the difficult questions to better understand who you are and develop your unique personal brand. Use story to express your strengths, and your weaknesses. Embrace who you are to show up for your business in a powerful way. About Lisa McGuire  Lisa McGuire is a certified business storyte