Late Night Health

Father Son Creative Team - Time Lock



Author Peter Berk reflects on working with his father & the inspiration for the new action thriller series, TimeLock. Peter and his father, Howard, shared more than DNA—they shared a love of film and television and a talent for writing. Indeed, Howard was an award-winning film and TV writer and book author whose credits included such classic series as Columbo, Mission: Impossible, and The Rockford Files. Over the years, Peter and Howard worked on numerous projects together, but one screenplay stood out among the rest. It was a clever idea about the future of the justice system in America. In a country burdened with rampant crime and prison overcrowding, ambitious politicians roll out an innovative, but controversial technology called 'TimeLock' that instantly ages prisoners the number of years of their sentence—the ultimate punishment for inmates and the ultimate deterrent for potential criminals. Just one problem, though: what happens . . . if you happen to be innocent? These and other questions about m