Managemental Podcast With Blasko And Mike Mowery

Industry Predictions for 2019 Part 2



Hypebot article "10 Music Industry Predictions For 2019" by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0. Predictions can be a tricky thing, but if we look at the trends in the music business over the last year we can see where things might be going. Here are 5 more predictions for how the industry will fare in 2019. 1. Streaming Services Remain Unprofitable. Almost all dedicated streaming services are very good at what they do except for one thing – making money. Choked by the weight of label licensing deals, these platforms struggle to find a way to become profitable, leading to a major market consolidation that begins in the new year. 2. Article 13 Brings YouTube Chaos. Be careful what you wish for, major labels, as YouTube is plunged into chaos following the passage of EU Article 13, which holds streaming platforms responsible for the files that their users upload. With YouTube (and other streaming platforms) having to purge so many videos, artists and labels take a big hit in revenue, but even worse, in exposure as wel