Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Elaine Talks: Break the Cycle of Despair * AI * Wallowing S4 E6



Break the Cycle of Despair Joan Baez--: “Action is the antidote to despair.” So this is my taking action to break the Cycle of despair as I see it.. Within my own mind. Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire about a result. Hm. Interesting. And, despair is defined as the lack of hope, or lack of such a feeling of expectation and desire about a result. I want to understand and map a way out of despair.. It seems for some of us.. Despair and its opposite hope are the continuous rollercoaster of our lives.   At 16, when my friend took her own life, new years eve, 1971.. . It affected me in ways it took me decades to come to terms with… literally decades.. Not until 2013, when I was at a weekend workshop, I only attended to support a friend.. Did I actually give voice to my story… The right person asked the right question that opened the floodgates… To an extent.. Yes It was raw, real and probably really disjointed.  However, there was very little emotion in that first telling.. Except in look