Late Night Health

Remembering Qualities of Your Soul



People in the medical profession were astounded at how quickly Paul L. Hannah M.D. was able to diagnose and heal his patients’ illnesses and problems. It’s because he had something they didn’t—an ability to see the blocked energy that was causing the issue! Plus, he had a way of treating people that showed his high regard for them as human beings. Years later, he has made the full transition from DO NO HARM to HEAL WITH LOVE… moving beyond the creed of allopathic medicine to the medicine of the quantum era to help folks heal, overcome, grow and connect with their essence. Today, although he still helps people resolve their physical problems, it is from the point of healing their souls. His new book, Remembering Qualities of Your Soul: Joyfully Living Your Godself is giving people the tools to transform their lives—on all energetic levels -- spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Dr. Hannah visits with Mark Alyn.