Last First Date Radio

EP 545: Elizabeth Overstreet - How to Break the Cycle of Toxic Relationships



Featured by ABC, CBS, NBC, and The New York Times, author Elizabeth Overstreet is a trusted love and relationship strategist who keeps things real. Through her expert coaching and motivational speaking, she’s known for creating personalized, practical roadmaps to happier, more satisfying relationships with others and themselves. In this episode of Last First Date Radio: How do you define a toxic or unhealthy relationship? Why do people stay in unhealthy relationships? What are some signs of a healthy relationship? Why do healthy relationships sometimes feel boring? What are some tips to help people break the cycle of toxic relationships? ►Please subscribe/rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts ►If you’re feeling stuck in dating and relationships and would like to find your last first date, sign up for a complimentary 45-minute breakthrough session with Sandy ►Join Your Last First Date on Face