

When it comes to buying real estate as an investment, you need to have a game plan. But that often changes when the market fluctuates making yesterday’s game plan obsolete and creating the need for a new one, or modifications. But successful real estate investors know how to pivot and it’s those investors who can teach how to avoid some of the worst pitfalls. In this episode, you’ll hear from someone who calls himself “The Investor Guy.” Omni Casey is a real estate investor, broker, and coach with almost 20 years of experience in real estate. It all started in Hawaii, with a fix-and-flip surfboard business. You’ll hear that story along with the successes and challenges he’s had growing an expansive real estate business and personal portfolio of cash flowing properties. He and his wife, Chara, currently live on the East Coast with their three kids, and are making sure they keep their kids actively involved in the business to help teach them about real estate. Omni also likes sharing what he’s learned as a coac