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The Biggest Threat to America Today (And How to Protect Yourself)



Warning, warning! This will be one of my more cautionary shows. So only listen if you want a dose of reality. Or if you want to better understand my mission here. Even though we've seen asset values and stock prices going up, there are some real threats to our country today. I think the biggest threat is our addiction to debt. The national debt continues to balloon out of control, to the point where our government can't even barely afford the interest payments on that debt. The same is true for many corporations, who borrowed way too much money when interest rates were at near zero levels. The Federal Reserve is in a pickle. If they continue to raise interest rates, it will be even more difficult to pay off debt.  So it essentially loses it's power to regulate the economy by raising rates - if things get too heated. It also has lost the power to lower rates because they are already so low. What does this have to do with real estate investors? As you'll see in the following interview, real estate is a hard ass