

I just bought my ticket to San Jose Costa Rica for March 28th. I'll be touring our eco resort with some of our Real Wealth members. And there is still room on the tour, if you're interested in a last minute trip to Paradise! If you're looking for diversification, this may be a great way to learn more about investing outside the U.S. We know we're at the top of an economic expansion in the U.S. and we also know that the national, corporate and consumer debt are at all time highs. This will play out at some point. So why not take just a small amount of your portfolio and invest it out of the country, especially when the returns could be in the double digits? So here's a little bit about the project: We partnered with an experienced NYC developer to acquire 800 lush acres of land just about 20 minutes from one of the fastest growing cities in Costa Rica - where a new international airport is expected to be built. In the meantime, there is actually an airstrip on our land, which we'll be flying into by charter fr