Are You Being Present?

Episode 74 - Following "The Four Agreements" With Presence



The Presence Projects presents episode 74 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that introduces a book filled with ancient Toltec wisdom that contains essential, relevant and helpful information for those living within the third dimensional matrix.  This book, The Four Agreements, can lead an individual to break free from negative societal constraints and programming, helping to provide relief from self-inflicted ego suffering in the Present Moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Following The Four Agreements With Presence".  In this podcast Paul takes the opportunity to share The Four Agreements and the amazing impact they have had on himself and those he has worked with.  He takes the time to go through each agreement, the need to use them in the Present Moment and how they can help transform the lives of people who seek relief from an existence filled with anxiety, stress and depression.  As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss othe