Joshua Moroles

We chat Office Politics, COVID-19, and drink a 25yr old Brandy.



On this Podcast, I chat with Arzalez, Latin Artist, and Vic who works for a Billion Dollar Enterprise about what the hell has been going on these past few weeks during isolation.  We also talk about how I fell victim to Office Politics and was pushed out of a company I work for for over 2 years, my horrid experience at a Restaurant the first day Restaurants are allowed to open, and Arzalez showcases a song he wrote specifically for the podcast!   As many of you may know, I got into the Wine Business. I back this Wine Company ONEHOPE and everything they are about. They give back tremendously and right now if you buy Wine from my Store, you'll be giving back to a non-profit right here in our area.  Do me a favor, head to my store and pick up a couple of bottles today. Visit to work with us. --- Support this podcast: