

FIRE is the new buzzword among real estate investors, and it has nothing to do with the fire emoji that everyone uses on instagram to say that “you’re hot.” It’s a movement known as Financial Independence, Retire Early or FIRE! In this episode, you’ll hear from someone who is about to experience FIRE. Adrian Rish started investing in rental properties just a few years ago, and has now created enough passive income to become “work optional.” Adrian is a business owner, husband, father of two young children and financial provider for his mother. He purchased his first property in his hometown of Oakland, California, in 2013. After years as a do-it-yourself investor and property manager, Adrian discovered RealWealth in 2020. Attending some of our live events and real estate tours helped him diversity into other states and connect with like-minded investors. Now, having reached his near-term investment goals, he and his family are planning to make an international move to Portugal to experience life abroad, and p