

Susan Dory is a Seattle-based artist whose geometric abstractions explore systems of interconnectedness, patterning and her trust of the process. Susan has exhibited widely with exhibitions at Winston Wachter Fine Art in New York and Seattle; Margaret Thatcher, New York; Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco; Tew Gallery, Atlanta; Boecker Contemporary, Heidelberg; The Tacoma Art Museum; The Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington; Kittredge Art Gallery, University of Puget Sound, The Western Gallery, Western Washington University; Mills College Art Museum, Oakland; The Contemporary Austin – Jones Center and The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada. She received her BA from Iowa State University and studied painting in Vienna, Austria. Susan is a recipient of the Neddy Award, The Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant, GAP grant, the Artist Trust Fellowship Grant, and was a finalist for the Betty Bowen Award. Some public collections include, The Tacoma Art Museum, Ballinglen Museum of Contem