Psychology Of Eating

Anger & Weight Loss: Tuning In, and Getting Real – In Session with Marc David



When it comes to weight, most of us are focused on improving our physical metabolism. We’ve been taught to think that weight loss is largely about reducing our caloric intake and increasing our daily exercise.  But what’s often not talked about are the role of hidden negative emotions in our weight journey. We may acknowledge the importance of processing and integrating emotions like anger and depression for our mental health. However, emotional metabolism is also essential for our physical health. So in this episode, we explore anger and depression on the weight continuum. Because so many people (especially women) have been taught that being angry isn’t OK … leading to depression, heaviness, and feeling stuck.  And while honoring and giving space for anger won’t necessarily translate into weight loss, it’s a vital step to: ✅ Affirming we are enough, just as we are – paving the way for greater self-acceptance and self-love ✅ Opening up to pleasure, whether we’re at our “ideal” weight or not ✅ Giving anger a v