Practice Management Nuggets

Interview Right to Hire Right



Do you feel that you are “unlucky” when making hiring decisions? Have you ever hired someone and then within a few days realized that this isn’t the right fit? Would you like to avoid common hiring mistakes? Would you like some tips on how to improve your hiring process? Hiring the right person for the job is one of the biggest tasks for a manager. It takes time and preparation to conduct effective interviews. Invest the time now to develop the key interview questions. Today we're going to talk with Nelson Scott, who is an expert in hiring employees and a coach for managers who need to better be prepared to manage employees.  Nelson Scott provides interview tips that you can use to gather high-quality information on which to base your hiring decisions using Behaviour Description Interviewing (BDI). Welcome to the Practice Management Nuggets podcast with practical practice management and privacy compliance tips to help you start, grow, and improve your healthcare practice in Canada. If you are a clinic manager