Muika Mod Ieor Ma' Toni Sant

Mużika Mod Ieħor ma' Toni Sant - 666



Toni Sant presents the 666th in a series of podcasts featuring music by performers in or from Malta. Artists featured in this podcast: Bark Bark Disco feat.  JOON - Love CutsThe New Victorians - Be FineRed Electric - Fix of YouThe Areola Treat - Into My ShadowKill the Action - LevelOwen Leuellen feat.  Luke Chappell - Dear GodSarah Bonnici - Never EverIs-Suffarin - Nofs Mewta >> Details about this podcast [in English] >> Watch this podcast on YouTube [in Maltese] See also: - MMI Podcast: YouTube playlist - MMI Podcast: Facebook Page - MMI Archive on Mixcloud | @tonisant on Twitter - M3P: Malta Music Memory Project- Mużika Mod Ieħor ma' Toni Sant on Facebook (MP3)