Late Night Health

Get a Good Nights Sleep



Just in time for National Sleep Awareness Week, World Sleep Day, and the change to Daylight Saving Time (March 12), Carlos M. Nunez, M.D., visits with Mark Allyn on Late Night Health. Dr. Nunez talks about the importance of quality sleep on mental and physical health, including why the American Heart Association recently added sleep as a metric for cardiovascular health. Learn what’s keeping people up at night, what symptoms of sleep deprivation 4 in 5 people say they have – despite most people saying they’re happy with their sleep, and what a “sleep-sumer” is. Feeling bad the next day after a full night’s sleep is also an indicator of a sleep disorder like insomnia – or sleep apnea, which an estimated 54 million Americans have. The lack of deep sleep can cause significant fatigue and elevate the risk for serious health problems and alarmingly, most people with sleep apnea are unaware they have it. Dr. Nunez can discuss how to easily identify whether a person might have a sleep disorder along with remedies to