Q103's Extra Cast

Episode #36 - Big C interviews the Maui Comic Con Peeps!



This was such a great time hanging out in studio with Alika Seki, Kamiki Carter and James Silvani all board members of the Maui Comic Con and putting together this awesome and NERDY event!!!  Maui Comic Con is a free-to-the-public comic convention made by locals for locals to showcase local talent as well as some of the biggest names in the comic industry! Located at UH Maui College, happening October 26th & 27th, Saturday and Sunday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm each day. This year our special guests are the Eisner Award winning cartoonist Eric Powell, creator of the Goon and publisher Albatross Funnybooks! Eric is appearing as the last US stop on his Goon 20th Anniversary World Tour! And Carl Potts legendary Marvel editor and creator of Alien Legion! We will also be joined by many more local artists and Hawaiian Comic Book Alliance members in the artists alley from all over Hawaii! The vendor hall is packed with local businesses and comic shops! And this year's food will be provided by local school groups