Are You Being Present?

Episode 94 - Identifying Patterns With Presence



The Presence Projects presents episode 94 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that explores patterns and how Presence allows us to identify, understand and shift our conscious and unconscious behavior(s) in the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Identifying Patterns With Presence".  In this podcast Paul shares his Present seconds discussing the need to identify patterns that exist within our reality.  He illuminates the importance of examining behavioral patterns with Presence to see the effect(s) they have and why they are repeated. Many people are taught patterns during childhood that become deeply ingrained creating neural pathways.  Once these patterns are repeated long enough, they become routine and are done without thought or intention.  Many times, these behavioral patterns create loops where people get stuck doing the same things repeatedly and at times expecting different results.  This creates fertile ground for the ego, also known as the lo