

Why are some people able to reach levels of wealth at a faster pace than others? It may have something to do with their mindset, or their ability to overcome internal blocks.    Normally, I interview people on their journey to creating wealth so that we can learn from their experiences. But today, we are going to dive into the deeper stuff: The subconscious thoughts that often control our decision-making process, which may lead us astray from our wealth-building goals.   In this episode, you’ll hear from Alecia St. Germain. She’s a Certified Immunity to Change Coach and the founder of The Conscious Edge – a leadership and personal development company focused on empowering female entrepreneurs.   She began her real estate journey in her late teens and 20’s wholesaling probate properties with her mother. She then moved on to mobile home investing in the state of Ohio. After seeing so many women in the real estate industry unconsciously sabotage their own success because of inner conflicts about wealth and their