Cgi Podcast

9 - Darren Bacon - Into the Concept Factory



Darren Bacon is a Lead Concept Artist at 343 Industries, a division of Microsoft, which is responsible for the Halo franchise. Before joining Microsoft, he worked on games, films and animations at companies such as Bungie, Disney and Electronic Arts. Darren's work features mostly sci-fi vehicles and environments that exhibit hints of retro-futurism and an understanding of traditional industrial design. The measured approach he brings to his design work brings it to life and breathes realism into each concept. From Scott Robertson to Sparth, Darren Bacon has worked with numerous entertainment industry legends and his art shows that. Darren shares how his childhood dreams of being a car designer pointed him in the right direction. Then there was that time he and a friend piled into a car and moved down to SoCal on a whim to change directions half-way through college. We discuss topics such as analog vs. digital mediums and Darren's YouTube channel where he shows you how to bring your own concepts to life.  I ho