Cgi Podcast

1 - Jort van Welbergen - Creating Opporunitites



During our chat, I ask Jort about some of his previous work and dive deep into the process behind an impressive, massive space station he designed while finishing game design school. Jort shares how he lets science and physics solve his design problems to both elevate the realism as well as lead him to an appropriate solution. We discuss how making opportunities for yourself can speed along your career and path to success as well as books and other educational resources Jort himself recommends. Our first episode features an interview with freelance concept designer Jort van Welbergen. Over the past few years, he's worked with companies such as Guerilla Games and Foundry42 designing 3D environments, props and vehicles. Jort has contributed to games such as Killzone: Shadowfall, Horizon Zero Dawn and Star Citizen. Outside of work, he's been active in the entertainment industry both speaking at and helping organize conference events.