Studio Sherpas Podcast

331. Transitioning from Commercial Work to Original Content with Patrick Moreau



We all want to tell stories that we care about and will influence the world. Patrick Moreau has found a way to do just that with his video business. Muse storytelling has transitioned from producing commercial work to crafting creative original content. Today on the show Patrick and I talk about this journey and what it takes to start telling the stories that you really want to tell.  It takes intentional planning to make this transition and handle everything that comes along with it. We talk about everything from how to choose what stories you should tell to how to find and handle investors. If you have a story burning within you, maybe it’s time to start developing your business to be able to produce this content that you dream about. Buckle down and “do the thing”! The world needs the story that you have to tell. Key Takeaways Narrow down your scope to do less, yet larger, projects than what you usually handle. This can help you have the bandwidth to really hone in on your creativity. Build trust with you