F-stop Collaborate And Listen

318: Jason Pettit - A Unique Style for Distillation and Expression



Development of a unique style in nature photography is something most of us strive for in our quests as photographers of the landscape. Sometimes it is hard to put into words what that even means or looks like, and there are a plethora of variables that impact one's unique style. On today's podcast episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with one of my favorite Canadian nature photographers, Jason Pettit, about his journey and approach to the craft, including his approach for distillation of subject, which I found to be quite interesting. Sit back, relax, and enjoy our chat! On this week's episode, we discuss: Jason's journey into photography. What life is like in Prince Edward County, where Jason lives and grew up. Using photography as a vehicle for self-discovery and therapy. Why we choose nature photography over something else. Our evolution as photographers. Identification of a unique style and what even means in nature photography. Distillation of subjects for maximum impact. Making home a lifelong photo