
#305 Robert Caro on the relationship with your father, power, poverty, ruthlessness, obsession and running.



What I learned from reading Working by Robert Caro. This episode is brought to you by Meter: Meter is the easiest way for your business to get fast, secure, and reliable internet and WiFi in any commercial space. Go to episode is brought to you by Tiny: Tiny is the easiest way to sell your business. Tiny provides quick and straightforward exits for Founders. Get in touch by emailing to one of my favorite podcasts: Invest Like the Best: Sam Hinkie: Find Your People ----Subscribe to listen to Founders Premium — Subscribers can ask me questions directly and listen to Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes.----[3:40] You can't get very deep into Johnson's life without realizing that the central fact of his life was his relationship with his father.[8:00] It was the hill country and his father's failures that taught him how terrible could be the consequences of a single mistake.[8:45] Lyndon Johnson wouldn't understand. He would refuse to understand. He would threaten you,