
3: Grow your business internationally: Episode 3 - Promoting economic partnerships with international stakeholders



The Latin American economy is growing, presenting businesses with an opportunity to take advantage of the enormous potential in these markets. As a result, the CBI’s North America office has partnered with businesses and governments in Latin America to give CBI members the insights they need to enter this potentially lucrative market. With a GDP increase amounting 6.2%[1] in 2021, Latin America presents itself as an increasingly attractive region in the field of infrastructure investment, a high potential sector with serious potential to impact socio-economic development. We gathered experts from Brazil, Guatemala, Panama and Peru to showcase the main infrastructure investment opportunities in their countries, how to promote economic partnerships with international stakeholders, and how the UK, considering its vast experience in the infrastructure sector, can compete for opportunity. Joining the CBI's Washington Senior Policy Advisor, John Bleed, this week are: Brazil: Clarissa Machado, Internationa