
1: Grow your business internationally: Episode 1 - LATIA Clean Energy



The Latin American economy is growing, presenting businesses with an opportunity to take advantage of the enormous potential in these markets. As a result, the CBI’s North America office has partnered with businesses and governments in Latin America to give CBI members the insights they need to enter this potentially lucrative market. In this first episode we focus on clean energy. There are significant opportunities for UK businesses in the clean energy and agriculture sectors. The CBI’s “Seize the moment” campaign specifically identifies decarbonisation as being crucial to the UK’s future economic success, and Latin America has the potential to become a major player in this space. In 2020, the renewable energy capacity in the region neared 280 gigawatts, an increase of 65% in the last 10 years. In 2019, nearly $12bn was invested in clean energy in Latin American countries. The region also possesses nearly 24% of the planet’s forest cover, 31% of its fresh water, and 50% of its biodiversity. Joining the C