
CBI @10am: Kicking off a year of action



In this episode, recorded Wednesday 12 January 2022, Tony Danker (Director General, CBI) was joined by Liz Crowhurst (Interim Director – Policy Unit, CBI) and Louise Hellem (Director for Economic Policy, CBI) for a look at the macro picture for firms as we enter the new year.  They discuss the latest on covid restrictions and ‘living with the variants’ alongside potential pinch points for businesses to be aware of e.g., ongoing shortages, challenges, inflation, cost of living, and energy price hikes. This episode is chaired by James Harding (Managing Editor and Partner, Tortoise Media). Register for future webinars, watch and listen to previous episodes at https://www.cbi.org.uk/cbi-10am/ ------ Visit our Coronavirus Guidance Hub at https://www.cbi.org.uk/coronavirus-hub/