Interviews From Yale Radio / Artists, Curators And More

Destiny Haven Trujillo



Destiny Haven Trujillo (b. 1994, New Mexico, United States) received her BFA in 2016 from the University of New Mexico. In 2022, she had a solo exhibition with Smoke the Moon in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. DIMIN is excited to present Devoraste, a neon diary of the vivid exploits of Destiny Haven Trujillo. For her first solo exhibition in New York, Trujillo embodies the manic charm of her daily life, offering a voyeuristic glimpse into the contemporary vie boheme. The title of the show, “Devoraste”, is derived from the Spanish aphorism meant to convey the concept of unabashed queer self-expression, with the literal translation “you ate that!”. For Trujillo, devoraste references the celebration of pride she conveys in her paintings –colorful bacchanals teeming with joy. At its core, the work addresses sexual identity and fluidity. The acceptance she has found in the queer community is tantamount in importance to the artist personally as it is to her artistic concept. Appro