Beyond The Basics Health Academy Podcast

Ep 230: Lung Health



In Episode 230 of the Beyond the Basics Health Academy podcast host Dr. Meaghan discusses the importance of safeguarding our lungs during times of increased air pollution, such as the current situation with Canadian wildfires. The episode focuses on exploring the best supplements and support to protect the lungs and how to detoxify both the lungs and the body. To address the challenges posed by higher air pollution levels, Dr. Meaghan introduces various strategies for protecting the lungs. She emphasizes the importance of optimizing our nutrition and overall health, as a strong immune system and well-nourished body are better equipped to withstand the effects of air pollution. One key area Dr. Meaghan explores is the use of supplements to support lung health. She discusses several supplements that have shown promise in protecting the lungs from pollution-related damage. These may include antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E, which help counteract the harmful effects of free radicals generated by air poll