
Revolutionary (Episode 2 )- The Podcast For Underground Producers By Disiz Revolution



Discover a podcast where all the tracks are from underground and upcoming DJ & Producers. Give them a chance and listen to this one hour mix of Disiz Revolution, you might be surprised and will probably like more than one of the tracks on the playlist. For the second episode, we have : 1. Mass Tiff - Good Times 00:00 2. BooVox - Mindless People 02:30 3. C-Bolt - Ice Crystals 07:05 4. BooVox - Feel Infinite 10:19 5. Séance - Throne of glass 14:50 6. Cheoso - Roof 17:45 7. Ayo -Fire (Pro.Vocation Remix) 21:18 8. BLACK DAAY & Meloune - Creamy Distortion 25:53 9. Nathan knows best - Miss what ever 30:05 10. Sharples - Rare Birds 34:30 11. Tim Martin - The protagonist 37:55 12. Ozani - Insemination 40:26 13. MAX MAX MAX - Large Cellar 43:00 14. Pyramidality - Juliet 46:40 15. Xantex - No credit funk 49:15 16. DJ VAD3R - Hardslowly 54:10 17. Trazfex - The Mountain's Journey 55:38