Homers Leadership Podcast

25: 3 Principles To Succeed In Ministry



BIG THOUGHT:  It’s easy to feel overwhelmed from all of the suggested advice or steps when it comes to experiencing success in leadership or ministry. You can truly waste hours, days and months chasing the “new” idea on ministry or leadership but I believe there are simple and consistent principles that you can apply to your role without having to compromise your character, personality or vision. Today, we are going to unpack 3 of these principles that will help you to form a foundation of leadership while still keeping your own creative individuality.  1. SHOW UP. When it comes to showing up, I believe the 80/20 rule applies. While this philosophy is pretty common, it’s surprisingly accurate. 80% of success can be achieved by simply showing up. That’s it. If you show up consistently, you will see results. You’d be surprised how many people simply can not do this. I’ve seen it in blue collar workplaces, sales, and ministry. Many people simply don’t show up enough consistently. But when you show up enough tim