Kids Don't Follow

Episode 23: Back In The Basement



With Elliott back in town for the National Bike Summit, we couldn't pass up an opportunity to get together and record in the basement, just like old times. With no plan and Taylor losing his voice, we may have recorded our best episode, yet. Bill catalogs every rock biography he's listened to on audible, we debate Japandroids second album and then go completely off the rails by reading the lineups for every HFStival between 1999 and 2004. Thanks for tuning in. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, hit us up at Please subscribe to the show, tell your friends, and consider becoming a member of the Wide Angle Podium Network. On Twitter: Taylor: @jtaylorjones Elliott: @ef_caldwell Bill: @cxhairs KDF Podcast: @kdfpodcast Thanks for listening.