Ponderings From The Perch

The Art and Science of Language Translation for Market Research



LAYERS! Onions have layers. Languages have layers. You get it, they both have layers.  We’re not afraid of communicating through Shrek quotes, but we know with communication it's not just what you say, it's how you say it that unlocks the door to connection and understanding! In this episode, Little Bird Marketing CEO Priscilla McKinney is joined by fellow Spaniard Carlos Hevia, director of business development at Multilingual Connections. Today’s discussion unveils the artwork of language and the science behind opening the door to international insights. Accurate translation plays a vital role in the market research world. Without asking questions in the proper dialect, reliable data cannot be obtained. As Carlos highlights, “If you are not speaking their language, you might not find your insights the way you want to.” With language variations present, it takes the ability to see both sides of the language coin to elicit open and honest responses. All journeys begin with a single step. Your translation a