Ponderings From The Perch

Fostering Meaningful Team Connections with Ryan Jenkins



Calling all snackers! We love a good snack here at the Nest! But have you heard of social snacking? Your mom called and was worried your snacking might ruin your meal, but she should be worried that social snacking can lead to disconnection.  Today, our CEO and Momma Bird, Priscilla McKinney, talks with Ryan Jenkins to discuss breaking the connection barriers in the workplace. As Wall Street Journal best-selling leadership author of Connectable, Ryan has surveyed over 2,000 workers worldwide to discover the answers for quality connection and belonging and why sometimes technology that could enable connection actually thwarts it. Now don’t take this the wrong way. Sending a quick text to a friend is good. But as Ryan points out, it takes intentionality to visit that friend. As humans, we follow the path of least resistance, so we choose convenience over connection if we’re not intentional. We’re wired for connection, and social snacking may keep our loneliness at a manageable level and keep us from reaching