Just A Taste

Why it's important for small businesses to say "no" with Meghan Lynch of Six-Point Creative



Maneuvering through the food & beverage industry as a small family business is extremely tricky. It takes practice and sometimes failure to really find your space and your market. This week on Beyond the Shelf, we spoke with the Founder & CEO of Six-Point Creative, Meghan Lynch. In this episode, Meghan shares some valuable insights into what they believe can help and hinder new small family businesses' growth and development. They also explained why sometimes it's best for business owners to say "no" to opportunities, and why more is not always better.To learn more about Six-Point Creative, and to access information for small businesses, please visit sixpointcreative.com/beyondtheshelfTo stay up to date on all new episodes, subscribe to Beyond the Shelf on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and iHeartRadio – and don’t forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.