Journal of Accountancy Podcasts

The key role accountants will play in the shifting definition of value



As the components of a company’s value change, the role of finance must adapt to what it reports and how it manages tangible and intangible assets. That shift was underscored with the release of new global sustainability standards by the International Sustainability Standards Board, and it’s the topic of this episode of the JofA podcast. Ash Noah, CPA, CGMA, FCMA, managing director—Management Accounting and ESG for AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, explains briefly what the two standards are and what he sees changing for organizations going forward, in the U.S. and elsewhere. Noah wrote a blog in May about the new imperative for accountants related to reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. In this episode, he goes into more detail about what the new standards mean for business and the profession.  What you’ll learn from this episode: ·         Noah’s description of what is addressed in the new standards, IFRS S1 a