Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

Don't wait to feel confident to do something: Mark Metry, , Founder at VU Dream and Show Host at Humans 2.0 Podcast (Global Top 100 Podcast).



Mark Metry: Founder at VU DreamLeila is joined by Mark Metry, Founder at VU Dream, Show Host at Humans 2.0 Podcast (Global Top 100 Podcast), Forbes featured speaker and New York Times bestselling author.IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT· Mark’s childhood story, where he had to overcome various health obstacles in the form of both physical and mental disorders such as social anxiety and asthma while attending a school with no diversity and intense feelings of isolation· His successful early ventures as a young entrepreneur on the Internet: Mark started his own YouTube channel at the age of 13 and launched the world’s most successful Minecraft server at the age of 15!· Mark’s realisation as a result of his journey in life that the best way to live your life is to forge your own path and identity· The steps that Mark took (both consciously and subconsciously) to go from having no self-confidence as an 18 year-old to feeling much more confident/comfortable in his own skin RESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDh