Goldstein On Gelt

Do Shareholders Have a Voice in the Company?



Is the corporate world an ‘insiders only’ club, or do ordinary shareholders have a real say in the company? Learn how shareholder activism may be changing the face of corporate America. Jeff Gramm, a portfolio manager at Bandera Partners, adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, and author, discusses what shareholder activism means for companies in the long run. Jeff gives examples of how shareholders can make significant changes to a company’s board of directors. How shareholders can have a voice in corporate decisions? Are you working with the right financial advisor? Doug put together a sheet for investors called What All Investors Need to Know About Their Investment Accounts. One of Doug’s recommendations is having an open channel of communication with your financial advisor. To better understand what a financial advisor does for you and your portfolio, watch this video. Free download: What All Investors Need to Know About Their Investment Accounts Learn more Jeff Gramm on his website or read his bo