Windy City Irish Radio

Windy City Irish Radio - January 14, 2015



"Hello, I'm Johnny Cash. Hello, I'm Tim Taylor, Hello, I'm Mike Shevlin." Cash is King on Windy Windy City Irish Radio this week as we welcome Stephen Davern from Pin Drop Theatre in studio to play some tunes and celebrate the Man in Black in advance of the big 'Cash for Kids' Chicago's Johnny Cash Festival', Chicago's only Johnny Cash Festival on January 24th. Tune in as we show Johnny's forty shades of green with music from the man himself and more from Roseanne Cash, Paul Brady, Elvis Costello, Blaggards, The Chieftains, and U2. Listen to WSBC 1240 AM or WCFJ 1470 AM from 8 PM - 9 PM each Wednesday night. You can learn more about Windy City Irish Radio on our website at