Beyond The Basics Health Academy Podcast

Ep 233: Unraveling Anxiety: Exploring the Functional Medicine Approachur



In this episode of Beyond the Basics Health Academy, Dr. Meaghan Kirschling and Dr. Mark LaScotte, both practitioners from One Agora Health, come together to delve into the intriguing realm of functional medicine and its perspective on anxiety. With a comprehensive and integrative approach, they shed light on how ongoing fight or flight responses from the nervous system can contribute to anxiety, ultimately offering insights into managing and overcoming these symptoms that occur with physical, chemical, or emotional stress on the body. Discussion Highlights: Introduction and Background: Dr. Meaghan Kirschling and Dr. Mark LaScotte introduce themselves and their expertise in functional medicine. The significance of functional medicine as a holistic approach to understanding and treating anxiety. The Fight or Flight Response: An in-depth exploration of the body's fight or flight response, a primal survival mechanism triggered by perceived threats. How chronic activation of this response can lead to anxie