Boiling Point Podcast

Jackie Russell: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Talk About the Good



This conversation with Jackie Russell, founder of Teak Media + Communication, delves into the significance of authentic communication, greenwashing, and effective storytelling in the nonprofit and sustainable sectors. Jackie shares her journey into this line of work, driven by a passion for helping companies that are doing good but struggling to communicate their message effectively. Jackie emphasizes the need for companies to avoid over projecting their environmental efforts and instead focus on transparency, perhaps by acknowledging that they are "less bad" for the environment rather than “good”. By sharing their positive initiatives and engaging in community involvement, businesses can inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change. A key aspect discussed is the power of storytelling to inspire donations and support for a cause. Jackie encourages businesses to center their storytelling on the work happening on the ground, rather than solely focusing on the big picture. By sharing personal sto