Boiling Point Podcast

Boiling Point - Episode 015 - John Wesley Chisholm



Introducing John Wesley Chisholm   Here is a math equation for you, what does an accountant plus a rocker give you?  A television producer named John Wesley Chisholm.  After finishing university with a finance degree, John Wesley had the intention of becoming an accountant. At the same time his part-time band, The Johnny Favourite Swing Orchestra gets a big record deal with MCA records.  Initially, John Wesley thought he could balance his two careers, but he found it difficult to commit to either one.  But he had an idea about telling the world about the thousands of Shipwrecks near his hometown of Halifax.  He pitched the idea to the Discovery Channel and was able to sell his idea to them almost immediately.  Just like that John Wesley was a successful TV producer, he created Arcadia Productions, and the course for his career was set.   John Wesley admits that he is a “professional bullshitter.”  It is common to believe that we live in the information age, but John Wesley believes we actually live in the