Boiling Point Podcast

Boiling Point - Episode 007 - Gino Dion



Introducing Gino Dion   It is amazing who you might meet if you open yourself up to new experiences.  Even more amazing when you find a mover and shaker you didn’t know about in your own backyard.   That is exactly what happened to Greg when he decided to attend a conference for the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas.  NAB is conference for broadcasters and their equipment manufacturers.  Greg decided to attend to see what connections he could make through networking, but it wasn’t necessarily a conference for filmmakers to pitch their ideas.  He left with a quorum of industry people from New Brunswick, Canada and this is where he met Gino Dion and the two became fast-friends.   Gino works for a company called IneoQuest, which is a multi-national company offering products and services for the monitoring of video quality.  Broadcasters use products from IneoQuest to guarantee their transmissions.  We all can imagine how important such a service is by considering, what would you think would