Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 334: Summer Remix Series: Self-care is really just basecamp.



This episode is part of the Grace & Grit Summer Remix Series which started with episode 330. This series will reintroduce episodes that have previously been published as reminders that self-development is not a one-and-done job but rather an ongoing practice. Enjoy! YOU are an incredibly unique human expression. YOU are here to cause, contribute and inspire things in the world in a way that only you can. And… It is really freaking hard to be a fully expressed human doing the work she feels called to do in the world when you are living in a constant state of illness, reactivity, frustration, and self-doubt. Self-care isn’t about fitting into your skinny jeans and feeling Instagram-worthy on your beach vacation. Self-care is what allows you to show up as your most vibrant self so you can do the most important work of your life. It’s the basecamp for the mountain you are really here to summit. So in this episode of the Grace & Grit Podcast, I explore the basic measure that makes a massive impact on forti