

The 16-year old duo Ewol & Espired, are a prime example of the talent and initiative teenagers have within the industry today. Being on completely different sides of the planet, (Ewol being Australian and Espired being Norwegian), they managed to come together over the internet with a mutual love of production. Having both only taken on production in late 2012, the pair rapidly developed their skills and a year later sent a bundle of tracks over to Most Addictive Records, which evolved in to the mighty Copperhead EP. With such high production levels so early on in their career, there is no doubt that these boys have serious potential to push through the ranks of the drum & bass scene. TRACKLISTING1. Ewol & Espired - Copperhead (Most Addictive Records)2. Akov - Rubix3. Phace - Electronic Frontier (Neodigital Recordings)4. Ewol & Espired - Showdown5. Priority One - Ambition (Forthcoming Most Addictive Records)6. Ewol & Espired - Visions (Most Addictive Records)7. Mediks - Come Back Down (Aud