

This week, we have Drum & Bass icon Concord Dawn on as a guest on the show. Concord Dawn currently consists of producer Matt Harvey hailing from New Zealand. Concord Dawn released their debut album in 2000, reaching massive success worldwide. After touring the album throughout New Zealand they released their second album Disturbance in April 2001 and received "Best Electronic Album" and "Best Independent Release" at the 2001 bNet Music Awards. Following this they started working on their third album: Uprising. Tracks like "Morning Light" and "Don’t Tell Me" found very high international acclaim well before the album’s release. Uprising was released in New Zealand in September 2003 and reached gold sales status in three months, going on to eventually reach platinum sales in New Zealand. Concord Dawn have become established internationally and their catalogue is distributed worldwide. They went off on a world tour, traveling through the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. At the 2003 bNet m