Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

Why Physical Therapists Shouldn’t Worry About PQRS



Does PQRS seem like a major headache to you? Just more paperwork without any bump? Let’s look at it a different way. Here I Go With Another Sales Funnel Example Anytime that we are using direct-response marketing or content marketing and we are attracting people in… there is basically a 6 step process that we want to be thinking about our businesses. Step #1 is Lead Magnet. So this is…you have seen me do this where I’m offering a free video or a book or a free report something like that. Very low value, low time commitment, low ask and they get it for free. That just allows us to have an ongoing conversation with that person. Step #2 is Trip Wire. That is something with a little more commitment. Still something that is low-barrier and inexpensive…like a consultation or whatever. It kind of ramps them up…it gives that person a soft landing into our Core Service, it changes our relationship with time from prospect into buyer. Then #3 is Core Service. That is the 97001, 110, 140 if we are bi